
Formwork Push-on Cones for 22mm ID x 25mm OD Ferrule Tubing are inserted at each end of the 22mm ID x 25mm OD Ferrule Tubing to seal off the holes on either side of the shutter. Ferrule Tube Cones fit on the inside of the Ferrule Tube. They may be removed after the shutters have been dismantled and be used again.
Sold in bags of 1,000 cones. Priced per bag.
Product code; EC-22-25
Formwork Push-on Cones for 22mm ID x 25mm OD Ferrule Tubing are inserted at each end of the 22mm ID x 25mm OD Ferrule Tubing to seal off the holes on either side of the shutter. Ferrule Tube Cones fit on the inside of the Ferrule Tube. A Push-on Cone for 22mm ID x 25mm OD Ferrule Tubing extends the length of the ferrule tube by 20mm, so if a cone is inserted on either side of the ferrule tube, the length of the ferrule tube will be extended by 40mm.
Ferrule Tube Cones or Push-on ConesĀ may be removed after the shutters have been dismantled so that they may be used again.
Ferrule tubing is used in formwork to protect the formwork tie rod from getting lodged in the concrete during the concrete pour. The formwork tie rod can be released from the concrete when the formwork or shuttering is stripped and the ferrule tubing remains in the concrete.
Sold in bags of 1,000 cones. Priced per bag.
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